Ab­stract Ma­chines Within the Local and Global Dy­nam­ics


Session Title:

  • Short:Circuit: Cross Border Communications in New Media Between US and Turkey

Presentation Title:

  • Ab­stract Ma­chines Within the Local and Global Dy­nam­ics




  • Panel: Short:Circuit:  Cross Border Communications in New Media Between US and Turkey

    In this pre­sen­ta­tion I will dis­cuss three works: “RTUK”, a browser ex­ten­sion that en­ables users to col­lec­tively black out any text on the Web, “Dar­win’s Birth­day”, a col­lec­tion of Google’s main pages as they were lo­cal­ized in 100+ dif­fer­ent coun­tries in one spe­cific day, and “Del­e­ga­tions”, an in­ter­ac­tive in­stal­la­tion show­ing view­ers’ re­con­structed faces using sta­tis­ti­cally ex­tracted face fea­tures of the host coun­try’s mem­bers of the par­lia­ments. These pieces ex­em­plify my in­ter­est in the ten­sions be­tween the local and the global within the larger frame­work of micro vs. macro processes that can be en­coun­tered in many fields such as econ­omy, man­age­ment, so­ci­ol­ogy, com­puter sci­ence, lin­guis­tics where top-down and bot­tom-up ap­proaches are used in con­junc­tion, e.g. in urban de­vel­op­ment or­ganic and planned ar­chi­tec­ture func­tion to­gether to form cities and in human brain an­a­lytic and syn­thetic think­ing to­gether help us make sense of the world.
