Ro­bots as So­cial Ac­tors: Au­di­ence Per­cep­tion of Agency, Emo­tion and In­ten­tion­al­ity in Ro­botic Per­form­ers

Session Title:

Signs of Life: Human-Robot Intersubjectivities

Presentation Title:

Ro­bots as So­cial Ac­tors: Au­di­ence Per­cep­tion of Agency, Emo­tion and In­ten­tion­al­ity in Ro­botic Per­form­ers



Panel: Signs of Life: Human-Robot Intersubjectivities

In gallery in­stal­la­tions and per­for­ma­tive en­vi­ron­ments ro­bots act as quasi-au­tonomous agents en­gag­ing their au­di­ences in so­cial in­ter­ac­tion and per­for­ma­tive in­ter­play. This paper looks at the dif­fer­ent ways hu­mans and ro­bots in­ter­act and re­late to each other and the ways au­di­ences per­ceive and re­spond to an­thro­po­mor­phic and bio-mimetic qual­i­ties in ro­botic char­ac­ters, specif­i­cally their per­cep­tions of agency, emo­tion and in­ten­tion­al­ity. The au­thor ar­gues that it is au­di­ence per­cep­tion rather than the in­nate qual­i­ties of the robot that de­ter­mines suc­cess­ful ro­bot-au­di­ence in­ter­ac­tions. Robot mor­pholo­gies, af­for­dances and pro­grammed be­hav­iours all play key roles in shap­ing au­di­ence per­cep­tion and re­sponses. This paper also con­sid­ers the role of stag­ing and the the­atri­cal mise-en-scène, scenog­ra­phy, dra­maturgy and chore­og­ra­phy in fram­ing the so­cial in­ter­ac­tion of ro­bots and hu­mans in gallery in­stal­la­tions and per­for­ma­tive en­vi­ron­ments.

