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Occurring within the scope of the 12th Istanbul Biennial Parallel Events and ISEA2011
A discussion in two sessions on the occasion of the 12th Istanbul Biennial and ISEA2011 at the Consulate General of The Kingdom of The Netherlands, Istanbul.
Today the trend in art and critical theory often presents a program focusing on social issues and concerns rather than aesthetics. The contemporary biennial, one of the hypertrophied exhibition platforms of our global present, serves as the locus optimus for this focus. This type of exhibition has become a stage for artists, curators and spectators to reflect and speculate on our current condition. But has art become solely a vehicle for social commentary? And what is the role of the media in art practice and exhibition arenas? How does media – including internet, twitter and social networks – serve as a tool for the art to convey larger issues? Does media democratize our society, or is the democratization of media in fact a falsehood? The re-mediation of our society is re-mediating both its epistemological and ontological status, with unexpected effects. Artists, curators and media specialists are invited to converse about these topics and to elaborate on their professional practice and point of view within the field of biennial-making and contemporary art.
Organised by:
Biennial Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 to facilitate links between organizations and practitioners operating within the global biennial community by providing resources for research and an open platform for exchange and collaboration.
School of Media Design & New Media Art – NABA – directed by Francesco Monico – provides a theoretical program on the critical debate on new media phenomena and appliances, on art and on the interaction between technology and society.