
Session Title:

Art as Media as Display: Biennials as Platform for Social Change

Presentation Title:



Oc­cur­ring within the scope of the 12th Is­tan­bul Bi­en­nial Par­al­lel Events and ISEA2011

A dis­cus­sion in two ses­sions on the oc­ca­sion of the 12th Is­tan­bul Bi­en­nial and ISEA2011 at the Con­sulate Gen­eral of The King­dom of The Nether­lands, Istanbul.

Today the trend in art and crit­i­cal the­ory often pre­sents a pro­gram fo­cus­ing on so­cial is­sues and con­cerns rather than aes­thet­ics. The con­tem­po­rary bi­en­nial, one of the hy­per­tro­phied ex­hi­bi­tion plat­forms of our global pre­sent, serves as the locus op­ti­mus for this focus. This type of ex­hi­bi­tion has be­come a stage for artists, cu­ra­tors and spec­ta­tors to re­flect and spec­u­late on our cur­rent con­di­tion. But has art be­come solely a ve­hi­cle for so­cial com­men­tary? And what is the role of the media in art prac­tice and ex­hi­bi­tion are­nas? How does media – in­clud­ing in­ter­net, twit­ter and so­cial net­works – serve as a tool for the art to con­vey larger is­sues? Does media de­moc­ra­tize our so­ci­ety, or is the de­moc­ra­ti­za­tion of media in fact a false­hood? The re-me­di­a­tion of our so­ci­ety is re-me­di­at­ing both its epis­te­mo­log­i­cal and on­to­log­i­cal sta­tus, with un­ex­pected ef­fects. Artists, cu­ra­tors and media spe­cial­ists are in­vited to con­verse about these top­ics and to elab­o­rate on their pro­fes­sional prac­tice and point of view within the field of bi­en­nial-mak­ing and con­tem­po­rary art.


Or­ga­nised by:

Bi­en­nial Foun­da­tion is a non-profit or­ga­ni­za­tion founded in 2009 to fa­cil­i­tate links be­tween or­ga­ni­za­tions and prac­ti­tion­ers op­er­at­ing within the global bi­en­nial com­mu­nity by pro­vid­ing re­sources for re­search and an open plat­form for ex­change and col­lab­o­ra­tion.

School of Media De­sign & New Media Art – NABA – di­rected by Francesco Mon­ico – pro­vides a the­o­ret­i­cal pro­gram on the crit­i­cal de­bate on new media phe­nom­ena and ap­pli­ances, on art and on the in­ter­ac­tion be­tween tech­nol­ogy and so­ci­ety.

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