Kate Genevieve
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Kate Genevieve (moderator), University of Sussex/ chroma.space Kate Genevieve is an artist, researcher and programme lead of Ecoimaginaries / Cosmoimaginaries. Kate founded chroma.space studio in Brighton UK in 2010, and exhibits art and performances worldwide. Her practicebased research, education and curating work explore ecological communication and the strange entanglements of inner and outer space. She convenes the Emerging Practices Working Group for the SETI Post-Detection Hub at the University of St Andrews. Kate designed the hybrid programme ‘Ecologies, Technologies’ with a community of practice for Schumacher College, UK. This work is now developing with the Intercreate network, where she serves as a trustee in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa.
Kate Genevieve, University of Sussex, UK
- Title: The Cosmic Arts Copyright Convention Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):