“The Weight of Ideas: Demonstration of Kinect Interface” presented by Defrantz
Presentation Title:
“The body is as immediately abstract as it is concrete; its activity and expressivity extend, as on their underside, into an incorporeal, yet perfectly real, dimension of pressing potential.” _Brian Massumi, The Autonomy of Affect (1995)
Creative live art work with live processing interface that explores identity and representation, African American and mixed-race positionalities and queer sexualities. Work uses a Kinect and MAX interface to offer playful exploration of how labels adhere to people in motion. Soundscore created through processed deconstruction of music by Thelonious Monk and Irving Berlin. Created by LIPPAGE:Performance|Culture| Technology: Sound discoveries by Jamie Keesecker; MAX development by Kenneth D. Stewart, concept and performance by Thomas F. DeFrantz.
“The Weight of Ideas” is an excerpt of a larger work, “where did i think i was going? [moving into signal]” (2014). This work engages five separate interface designs gathered to underscore the vagaries of contemporary life reflected through prisms of digital scale. Digital cameras, Kinect cameras, and wireless microphones will record gestures by the performers and process the images and sounds through MAX, Isadora, and Ableton Live software. The work wonders at the physical and emotional cost of incessant movement resulting from job changes, natural disasters, and shifts in available technology.