Sharath Chandra Ramakrishnan, Catalina Alzate, Jatin Vidyarthi: Whose Weather is it Anyway


Whose Weather is it Anyway

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

‘Whose Weather is it Anyway’ is part of a series of interventions that seeks to decipher, expose and contrast informational patterns that exist in natural ecosystems and that of man-made informational representations of command, control and dissemination mediated by its infrastructural aspects.

Amidst narratives and decisions surrounding recreational tourism, festivities, food, livelihood, calamities and stock prices to which weather conditions are central, lies the colonization of local and global weather information into an intellectual property regime that often makes weather reporting and predictions through opaque informational conglomerates that fuel climate change debates and environmental policy. This project explores the interplay between ‘the climate of economies’ & ‘the economies of climate’ in the age of networked Big Data, critically examining these interfaces while engaging the audience using emerging methods in data sonification and networked media art practices.

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:

More Art Events from Sharath Chandra Ramakrishnan in this archive:

More Art Events from Catalina Alzate in this archive:

More Art Events from Jatin Vidyarthi in this archive:
