“DïaloG. MindSpaces – STARTS . The Art of DïaloG: Are we immigrants in a machine World?” presented by Anadol, Benayoun and Martín
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Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme in the framework of S+T+Arts initiative (Science, Technology & the Arts). S+T+Arts supports collaborations between artists, scientists, engineers and researchers to develop more creative, inclusive, and sustainable technologies.
The main objective of MindSpaces is to develop novel art-driven design processes and technologies, which build upon artificial intelligence, multimodal data analysis and fusion algorithms and are augmented by data insights gathered through the collective social behaviour and responses of occupants experiencing dynamic and adaptive environments. https://mindspaces.eu/
S+T+ARTS is driven by the conviction that science and technology combined with an artistic viewpoint also open valuable perspectives for research and business, through a holistic and human-centered approach. https://starts.eu/
DïaloG a is a public art, generative, interactive, and evolutionist project. He shows how the new status of the artworks that experiences mutations made possible by the technology moved the object it used to be (sculpture in marble, painting on canvas) to a real subject. The art-subject, able to perceive its environment, dotted with memory, and afferent cognitive functions: artificial intelligence, artificial intentionality, autonomous behaviour, may also experience a new form of affectivity. Lost in a human controlled world, the artwork is a strange stranger. It doesn’t look like us, it may express a complex behaviour triggered by specific emotions – from fear to curiosity, from excitement to compassion – it may also activate a semi-organic process of assimilation based on absorption of perceived information altering its own DNA. They want to learn and to understand. What they perceive becomes part of their persona in constant mutation. With more time, they’ll grab bits of language from the public, interact with them, and even more: they will interact with one another. The Alien is the Other, and like highly elaborate robots, these affective machineries are striving to decrypt the world as if it would be a necessity for art survival. In troubled times, when war, climate, or poverty induce large-scale migrations, these aliens offer the possibility to discover and experience the strangely familiar quest of interspecies and intercultural mutual understanding.”