Rem RunGu Lin
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Funtheory/Befun Lab, Co-founder
Other Affiliation(s):
- Co-founder
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Rem RunGu Lin is a digital artist, creative technologist and the co-founder of Bach Innovative, Funtheory/Befun Lab. He investigates the intersections of mixed reality, human-computer interaction, bio-data and generative art in his research and artwork. He holds a master’s degree from MIT and is pursuing his PhD in Computational Media and Art (CMA) at HKUST. His works/papers have been Recognized in SIGGRAPH, Leonardo, SIGGRAPH AISA, ISEA, Ars Electronica , IEEE VIS AP, VINCI, R.A.W.!, Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, “Vision Shenzhen” Shenzhen Light Art Museum.