“Ambient Pressure” by Rebecca Najdowski
- Ambient Pressure
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
Ambient Pressure is an ongoing project that draws attention to the ways photography has literally and conceptually ‘framed’ nature. The artworks are created from a combination of analog and digital interventions involving the manipulation and physical modification of photographs. The images undergo two phases of composition: first during capture, and then through the transformation of negatives, scans, and prints using tools such as blades, lighters, markers, plastic, rocks, bleach, and other materials.
The term ambient pressure refers to the pressure of the medium where a specific object is located. In this work it is a metaphor for the processes applied that change the material surface of the photographs highlighting that photographs are not transparent windows to the world but rather constructed representations that create a distance between nature and human experience.