“Millions in The Sky” by MarS Collaborative

  • ©, ,


    Millions in The Sky

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    About one million people are suspended in flight at any point-in-time around the world.

    The huge environmental impact of this weighs heavily on our minds.

    Being in the digital and information age we have imagesphotosdatabasesmapsspatio-temporal and GPS data at our fingertipson the very phones in our pockets. Real time consumption is standard. Open data is provided by governments to ‘be freely accessibleto be usedmodelledshared by anyone for any purpose without restrictions.’ Open data enables anyone to track planestrains and automobilesferriesand buses – and the people in them.

    We captured data of flights arriving and departing Brisbane airport to create an abstracted and stylised representation of the sheer number of flightsthe activities and intrigue of the aviation world along with its symbolssigns and codes.

Additional Images: