“Ecomedia Colorado” presented by Bianca
Session Title:
- Mixed (pictorials/visual essays)
Presentation Title:
- Ecomedia Colorado
Presentation Subtheme:
- Ecologies of place
Ecomedia Colorado engages interdisciplinary and intergenerational groups in Colorado, USA to generate cooperative dialogue on local environmental issues and create spaces where meaning-making and creative representation of scientific data becomes possible. This project involves a web-based application powered by CitSci.org to collect observations and media from contributors about water and ecology, hosting workshops to curate this media and make collages, and an interactive projection showcase where visitors can use gestures to explore the digitised collages. Through workshops and interactive installations, the project elicits community and individual narrative expressions regarding the places and issues they care about that can be implemented through an app on CitSci.org or ideation prompts. As a first step, the approach provides opportunities for citizens to offer narrative expressions of their choice (e.g., photos, art, written text) in many different forms. The locations included are Las Animas County, Grand Lake County, and Boulder County, with workshops and installations in Trinidad, Colorado (2022) and Lafayette, Colorado (2023).