“Digital Materialities: A Pilot Project Exploring Transdisciplinary Collaboration Across Fashion, Photography and Digital Design in a Higher Education Context” presented by Bigolin, Bennett and Andrews
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This practice research explores a transdisciplinary collaboration between fashion, photography and digital design disciplines, challenging the perception of both the ‘digital’ and ‘material’. In a collaborative studio, high-end 3D scanning was used to pilot pedagogies and curriculum to explore the shifts between. This engages with the ‘everywhen’, the disciplines co-mingling between the encounters of body, material, space, time and pixel, suggesting both difference and mutual concerns. Technology becomes the tool that interfaces between the disciplines and the everywhen.
The data generated from 3D scans becomes complex representations of unfixed time, an emerging past, present and future of images, bodies and spaces. Process, data, workflow and outcomes speak to a decentering of these within our disciplines. The scanned ‘fashion body’, comprised of material arrangements and compositions from fashion students was informed by direction from photography and animation students. The layering and assembling of individual images to create a moving tableau of frames and revolutions, were configured post scan. As data the past moment, aligned by machines creates a realistic depiction of the present moment, and through the use of this data, they become rendered, cleaned, and representative of a multiplicities of future images.