“Computerscape” by Darrell Viner



Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

The images presented here are single frames taken from a computer animated film which is in 1he process of being completed. In its making I am seeking images with a feeling of place and scale. like cityscape, landscape and using just 2D initialisations.

Though there is apparent perspective this is not true and is brought about by the interaction of 2D frames and the use of colour. This program has developed over a number of years and is now largely self generating within certain parameters which are present at the start of it being run. The direction and development of the program is mainly through my reaction to the output as well as incorporating various ideas from the sciences and the arts.

I believe that the recent developments in computing are comparable to that of perspective theory in the renaissance where the ability to model the world more accurately lead to new knowledge and explorations of the world.

The work was produced at the University of London’s computing centre in a AMDAHL computer and a DICOMED film plotter.


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