“Dancers and Desert Bird” by Martin Rieser


Dancers and Desert Bird

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

I have worked with a wide variety of computer media from 3D animation and design systems to electronic paintboxes. My current work on the Dalmi system was inspired by a series of autographic prints I was making using linocut and woodcut methods. In trying to translate the imagery into an electronic medium I was struck by the change in feeling, although by using B-spline curves some of the energy of the printed work was maintained.

I particularly like the immediacy of imagemaking on an electronic paintbox, but the Dalim system is vector-based and so can support a variety of output devices including laserprinters and is capable of resolutions far above the normal video ones. The luminous quality of colour is also seductive, but Lhe Standard tools of the system such as smooth shading and shape deformation can become too slick when overused.

The working method is constructivist since, as in collage each segment of the image is a moveable object, with layer priorities. There is a choice of 256 colours from 16.7 million and an on-screen resolution of 1280 x 1040 pixels.


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