“Dream State I” by Sylvani Merilion


Dream State I

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

The work in the Exhibition forms a small part of an extensive range of work generated on a Quantel DPB Paintbox 7000/1 series 3 & 4 at the BBC in Birmingham between January and April 1988.

A research programme funded by Birmingham Polytechnic, the results of which were exhibited in 1986, provided me with a basic introduction to working with electronic systems, although theoretical interest had existed since the late 1960s. The practical experience raised a number of questions and speculations about the use of computers in the creative process.

As a painter, one wished to investigate how, if at all, already established work patterns and cognitive processes might be affected, and what the results might mean within the context of both one’s own work and that of others. In the first instance working with a new medium, particularly one of this kind, is always a beginning. It initiates potential with few concepts as to where it might lead. Established habits play their part but may not be appropriate nor conducive to discovery.

A single image generated on another computer was frame grabbed to provide a simple starting point, and one further constraint was introduced. IL was decided not to use any further extraneous material until one felt one had exhausted, or was exhausted by, the possibilities of permutating the elements through a full range of commands. Not all of the images were felt to be mature, but they served the original purpose, which was to demonstrate that from an extremely limited starting point it was possible to use the system not only to generate material, but that there was an effect on the way one thought about the work.

The fact that ideas can be realised close to their inception and the rapidity with which this can happen suggest that some modification to critical evaluations may need to be made. The exploration continues. The results will be exhibited later in 1988.


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