In­com­pat­i­ble El­e­ments


Session Title:

  • Crisis Narrative of Landscape: Future Inherent

Presentation Title:

  • In­com­pat­i­ble El­e­ments




  • Panel: Crisis Narrative of Landscape: Future Inherent

    In­com­pat­i­ble El­e­ments is an on­go­ing pro­ject that evolved dur­ing an artist res­i­dency at Per­for­mance Space, Car­riage­works, Syd­ney in 2009. The media art in­stal­la­tion ex­plores ways of rep­re­sent­ing the re­la­tion­ship be­tween na­ture and cul­ture, em­bed­ding po­etic texts into an­i­mated satel­lite im­ages of global land­scapes at par­tic­u­lar risk from cli­mate change. Starrs & Cmielewski en­gage in a kind of dig­i­tal geo­chem­istry, ter­raform­ing new wa­ter­ways and bar­ren patches of sand that tell sto­ries in wind­ing, cur­sive script. – ex­cerpt from the cat­a­logue essay for In­com­pat­i­ble El­e­ments :  Bec Dean, Per­for­mance Space, Syd­ney, 2010.

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