
ISEA symposia
ISEA contributors
ISEA publications
ISEA presentations
ISEA workshops
ISEA art events
ISEA visualization


This website is an archive of the printed and digital materials from the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA).  Since 1988, this nomadic symposium has been organized in a different city by a different team each time. The ISEA symposium is overseen by ISEA International  https://www.isea-international.org/, a non-profit organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science, the humanities and emerging technologies.


Since the fall of 2013, Wim van der Plas and Bonnie Mitchell have been working on version 2.0 of the archive, updating it to the present day, see http://www.isea-archives.org.  As of Feb. 2019, this new site, version 3.0, is being developed by a team of Bowling Green State University students led by Bonnie Mitchell and Jan Searleman and will incorporate numerous new features including cross connections between the data.


4th Summit Webpage Banner

4th Summit on New Media Art Archiving at ISEA2024 in Brisbane, Australia

[ View the Summit Programme ]

[ ISEA2024 Programme: Click HERE ]

[updated Oct 23, 2020]

Summit on New Media Art Archiving was major success

The Summit took place as planned, without flaws, thanks to the support of the ISEA2020 organisation for the first 5 hours (the 16 presentations and 5 q&a sessions) and the Zoom hosting by Bonnie Mitchell for the 3 parallel break-out sessions and the plenary concluding session, during the last 3 hours.

See the: Provisional Proceedings

The order of the presentation programme was mainly based on the respective time zones of the presenters, that varied from Australia to Peru (16 hours time difference between those two locations). The presentations were prerecorded by the presenters and submitted as video files, the q&a sessions with the presenters and the roundtables (Break Out & Concluding sessions) where all life. Some 100 people participated.

Seven of the papers will appear in the ISEA2020 Proceedings, that will be published shortly and included in the ISEA Symposium Archives. We are also in the process of entering the abstracts of all presentations. The videos of the presentations will be embedded in our new (under construction) archive and links will be included in this ‘classic’ ISEA archive. The discussions have also been recorded. How we will make those public is still to be decided.

The four organising parties (the archives of ADA, Ars Electronica, ISEA and SIGGRAPH Art Show) will produce a report of the meeting soon, including planned future actions, as we will continue the co-operation and extend the network gradually.

To sign the Liverpool Declaration (see the link below) send an email to wendy.coones(at)donau-uni.ac.at

[updated August 6, 2019]

The Proceedings of the successful 25th International Symposium on Electronic Art, held from June 22-28 2019 in Gwangju, South Korea, are now included. You can find them here. All the other data of ISEA2019 will soon be uploaded.

[updated August 6, 2019]

On the occasion of the 25th ISEA symposium, the Dutch artists and early symposium contributors Peter Sweenen & Robin Noorda made a wonderful short animation, called “The International Symposium on Electronic Art: From The Netherlands to the Republic of Korea in 25 Great Achievements”. Even though it is very short, it, in a way, contains the whole story. Look at it more than once, you will keep discovering new elements. Thank you very much, Peter, Robin and Alfred (who processed the outer space sound).

The animation is here.

[end of news section]


This agreement governs your use of the materials located on the ISEA Symposium Archives. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the information located on this site.

    • Access to the ISEA Symposium Archives is granted for scholarship and research purposes only. Copyright for the individual documents, artworks and other material is held by the authors of those materials and not ISEA International.
    • Because the ISEA symposia have been hosted by numerous individuals, organizations and institutions from around the world, permission to use the materials has been granted in a variety of ways and documentation has not always been forwarded to ISEA International (formally known as The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts). If an author or artist does not want his or her work in the archives, they are welcome to contact us via email and state the materials they would like removed and we will remove the requested copyrighted information from the archive as soon as possible.
    • Some of the content available in the archive may be governed by local, national, and/or international laws and regulations, and your use of such content is solely at your own risk. You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including intellectual property laws, in connection with your use of the ISEA Symposium Archive.
    • According to standard academic practice, if you use the ISEA Symposium Archive’s collections for any research that results in an article, a book, or other publication, you list the ISEA Symposium Archive as a resource in your bibliography along with the information about the author.
    • The ISEA Symposium Archives is provided to you on an as-is and as-available basis. You understand and agree that ISEA International makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of the content in the archives.
    • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless ISEA International and its officers from and against any and all liability, loss, claims, damages, costs, and/or actions arising from your use of the ISEA Symposium Archive.
    • You acknowledge that you have read and understood the ISEA Symposium Archive’s Terms of Use and using this site constitutes the full and complete agreement between you and ISEA International.

If you find inaccuracies, omissions, or other issues with the site, please contact us at:


We welcome your input and hope you find the archives useful.

ISEA is an affiliate organization of ACM SIGGRAPH. Special thanks to ACM SIGGRAPH for hosting the ISEA Archives.
