“301 Nails… No Air Loss!!” by John Knecht
- 301 Nails… No Air Loss!!
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
301 Nails… is a continuation of a series of work which considers destiny. Set in a gambling casino, near a boxing ring next to the big church behind the race track. The protagonist and “Spider” duck weave their way through the day’s events tempting fate with their own prophesies. They finally end up skipping town and head to the big game up in Mesmorosa only to come to a screeching halt.
301 NAILS.. from John Knecht on Vimeo.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- John Knecht
- More Art Events from John Knecht in this archive:
The Possible Fog of Heaven
[ ISEA96] -
301 Nails… No Air Loss!!
[ ISEA96]