“Agulhas Drifter” by Cy Keener

  • ©, Cy Keener, Agulhas Drifter


    Agulhas Drifter

Artist(s) and People Involved:




    Light and sound installation

Artist Statement:

    The Agulhas Drifter project will launch an artist-created data collecting ocean buoy in the Agulhas current off the coast of Durban, and install an immersive light and sound installation that will respond to satellite transmitted buoy data in real time. The Agulhas current, off the east coast of South Africa, is one of the few areas where surface currents transport towards the Antarctic. It is here that oceanographers have observed the unique phenomenon known as Agulhas current rings. The data buoy will utilize an IMU to capture pitch, roll and vertical acceleration from waves, a thermistor to pick up sea surface temperature, and GPS to track currents. The gallery installation will enact data sets using stepper motors and kinetic sculpture to project a shifting horizon line of laser light based on real time ocean conditions. Public display of the piece will enable local Durban residents to virtually connect with constantly shifting ocean conditions in an immersive way.


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