Anita Cheng, Ronaldo Kiel: Post-Aesthetic Cyberspace: A Genetic Model for Art on the Internet

  • ©, ,


    Post-Aesthetic Cyberspace: A Genetic Model for Art on the Internet

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    The migration of artists to the Internet heralds the Post-Aesthetic Age. Believing that all types of human development are related, the future of Art and the aesthetic sense can be predicted from other models of human evolution. Recent genetic studies have confirmed that large scale homogenization weakens the gene pool because of loss of diversity. Global cultural homogenization has begun with McDonalds, MW, and CNN and can only accelerate with the popularization of the Internet. The analogy with genetic evolution forces the conclusion that the Internet will first produce an explosion of artistic interest subsiding into a global homogenization of taste.


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