Artemis Moroni, Jose Augusto Mannis, Paulo Gomide Cohn: The Electronic Carnival

  • ©, ,


    The Electronic Carnival

Artist(s) and People Involved:



    Network Project

Artist Statement:

    The ELECTRONIC CARNIVAL is a network project that will take place all over the world from August to November, with a grand Openning Ball – a Carnival Cry – during ISEA’94. This network event will be hosted by UNICAMP – Instituto de Artes, in Campinas, Brazil.

    To join this project, participants should create as many characters as they wish and subscribe them to the following list:

    carnival _I

    Characters will be introduced from all messages that arrive to the list. If a character wishes to communicate in private with another character, he should inquire about the availability of that character’s address by sending a message to the list manager. Characters whose authors have not explicitly authorized the list manager to identify them will not have their address sent to other characters. Still, nothing keeps a character from trying to obtain another one’s address through public messages: persuasion and seduction are part of the game. If two or more characters do communicate in private, we ask that messages be copied to the following Iist:

    so that they interact in several ways: linearly in time, in the order of message arrival; or by interactions of characters, in the order of specific exchanges, like in a hypertext.

    The Ball
    A one day Opening Ball will occur during ISEA’94, when the characters around the world will be invited to act. ISEA’94 attendees will also be invited to create characters and join the body. To join, please send a message to with subscribe carnival-I


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:

More Art Events from Artemis Moroni in this archive:

More Art Events from Jose Augusto Mannis in this archive:

More Art Events from Paulo Gomide Cohn in this archive: