“Aural Fauna: Illuminato” by Eunsu Kang, Donald Craig, Chun-Liang Li, Songwei Ge, Austin Dill, Manzil Zaheer, Barnábas Póczos
- Aural Fauna: Illuminato
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Eunsu Kang
- University of Washington
- Donald Craig
- Chun-Liang Li
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Songwei Ge
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Austin Dill
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Manzil Zaheer
- Barnábas Póczos
- Carnegie Mellon University
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- 3D printed objects, 4 channel loud speakers, machine learning algorithms (add,pdd) developed by the artist team, microphone, real-time sound generation system using wave gan algorithm and interactive audiovisual system developed by the artist team, touchpad interface, video projection
Artist Statement:
“HARMONIUM – The only known form of life on the planet mercury.
The harmonium is a cave-dweller.
A more gracious creature would be hard to imagine.
– A Child’s Cyclopedia of Wonders and Things to Do.”
_Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., The Sirens of Titan
The Aural Fauna: Illuminato project presents an unknown form of organism, aural fauna, that reacts to the visitor’s sound and touch. According to The Sirens of Titan, Harmoniums eat the song of the planet Mercury. They are translucent but the yellow light from the cave wall turns into vivid aquamarine through their body. Inspired by the harmonium, the aural fauna is a family of creatures that becomes “alive” when there is a sound or touch fed into them. The fauna also sing a song in harmony to the visitor’s sound to express their acceptance of the visitor’s presence.
The fauna’s bodies and sounds are generated using Machine Learning. The creatures’ bodies appear as 3D-printed sculptural objects or virtual form in the video projection. The unique form of each entity is designed by creative AI developed by the artist team. Their sound is generated in real-time in response to the participant’s touch.
The tablet interface on a music stand and the microphone in front of the swarm is the terminal for the visitor to interact with these creatures. The visitor touches the tablet interface’s screen or sings to it then the aural fauna responds in lights and sounds.
This project presents a utopian vision of the world where different species, possibly even machines, interact with each other with no fear and thus no rejection or hatred driven by the fear. The human visitor and the aural fauna create a harmony together.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Eunsu Kang
- More Art Events from Eunsu Kang in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Donald Craig
- More Art Events from Donald Craig in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Chun-Liang Li
- More Art Events from Chun-Liang Li in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Songwei Ge
- More Art Events from Songwei Ge in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Austin Dill
- More Art Events from Austin Dill in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Manzil Zaheer
- More Art Events from Manzil Zaheer in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019] - Barnábas Póczos
- More Art Events from Barnábas Póczos in this archive:
Aural Fauna: Illuminato
[ ISEA2019]