Clea T. Waite: Nothing Broke but the Heart
- Nothing Broke but the Heart
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
Nothing broke but the Heart: This work compulsively, hypnotically, runs through distorted icons of “love”, heart always “center screen”. A chaos of color and light, individual frames flash like memories. These hearts – hearts of stone, burning hearts, wooden hearts, “mutated” hearts, hearts that are only words – are punctuated throughout the video by medical images of my body’s real heart – breathing, pumping, catching in its rhythm. This video uses the hardness, the rationality of electronic technology and its processes – the antithesis of emotion – as the language with which to express emotion.
Music: Carmina Burana by Carl Orff
All Works by the Filmmaker(s) in This Archive:
- Clea T. Waite
- More Art Events from Clea T. Waite in this archive:
Nothing Broke but the Heart