“Combining 3-D Animation with Electronic music” by Marcel Kaars
- Combining 3-D Animation with Electronic music
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Marcel Kaars
- Royal Academy of the Fine Arts
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
For the past two years I have been intensively involved in combining 3-D animation with electronic music. This has resulted in various abstract video films, clips and a science fiction film. More recently I have also begun to explore combinations including real space too, specifically, the flat image in space, and projection methods with regard to people and architecture. Almost as a counterpart to the production of electronic images, I also have a growing interest in primitive sound sculptures of wood, metal and water and the possibilities of existing conditions such as balance, gravity, cold and warmth and distance. In addition, I have been active as a volunteer producing children’s television at the University Hospital, Leiden. I am sure I have done other things, but I can’t remember them!
All Works by the Filmmaker(s) in This Archive:
- Marcel Kaars
- More Art Events from Marcel Kaars in this archive:
Combining 3-D Animation with Electr...