“Crystal Paradise” by Masa Inakage
- Crystal Paradise
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Masa Inakage
- Keio University
- Future Expanded Entertainment Laboratory (FEEL)
- The Media Studio Inc.
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
This work explores surrealistic animation. An infinite reflection model creates a mirror environment. The work depicts the world of my dreams. When you reach out to touch something in the dream, it moves away like a mirage. We are often deceived by the real world, as if our material world of economic systems is the ultimate goal. We strive for money and social position. Our pure and honest heart is whispering in our dreams that there is something more precious than plutocracy.
All Works by the Filmmaker(s) in This Archive:
- Masa Inakage
- More Art Events from Masa Inakage in this archive:
Fantastic Dreams
Crystal Paradise