Daniel Forero, Atemporánea: Homenaje al Maestro Guillermo Rendón en sus 55 años de compositor Estreno Mundial de su Sonata para Guitarra Sola OP.89, No.1.


Homenaje al Maestro Guillermo Rendón en sus 55 años de compositor Estreno Mundial de su Sonata para Guitarra Sola OP.89, No.1.

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

Guillermo Rendón García is in all aspects, one of the most important Colombian composers from the XXth century, still active at his 81 years of life. Son of Manizales city (host of this great event) he represents one of a kind generation of Colombian artist and composers from all sort of places that set a path for present-day musicians and performers. Daniel Forero, Colombian classical guitarist and director of Atemporanea GQ, has been committed to rescue all this vast archive of guitar music written by Rendón, mostly works only performed at their first audition at the 80’s, and putting them again on stages in the country and abroad, doing performances and recordings of this music from the first time. This task that began more than 10 years ago, generated a whole new interest on Rendón’s guitar music on new performers today. Therefore, this recital presents a summary of the most representative guitar works from Guillermo Rendón: his Ciclo del exilio which is his very first and most important guitar piece, his guitar quartet Trémolo tremulante, a dramatic and touching musical marvel remembering the Armero’s devastation by the Ruiz Volcano (part of Manizales landscape as well) and the premiere of his first Guitar Sonata Op. 89 performed for the first time by Daniel Forero.

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