“Dream Water Wonderland” by Ute Hörner, Mathias Antlfinger
- Dream Water Wonderland
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Ute Hörner
- Mathias Antlfinger
- Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM)
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Creation Year:
- 2010
Artist Statement:
Since the beginning of the use of nuclear energy in Germany, two sites have become synonymous with the end of a technical-feasibility fantasy – the fast breeding reactor Kalkar and the waste repository Asse II. “Dream Water Wonderland” transposes the remains of atomic industry into a dream about half-life durations.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Ute Hörner
- More Art Events from Ute Hörner in this archive:
Dream Water Wonderland
[ ISEA2010] - Mathias Antlfinger
- More Art Events from Mathias Antlfinger in this archive:
Dream Water Wonderland
[ ISEA2010]