Eric Rosenzveig, Phil Giborski, Willy LeMaitre, Dan Farrell, Philip R. Food, Saynho Namtchylak, Barry Guy, Randy Raine-Reusch, Slava Egorov: Fleabotics

  • ©, ,



Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Fleabotics is a spontaneously generated narrative in the tradition of free improvisation. They create a hypermedia drama through live video projections, onscreen text, electronic and acoustic musics. The improvised narrative unfolds by the graces of the players’ inter-wired media, the audiences’ attentions shifting from the created art to the creators themselves. The show was selected as a keynote event at this year’s International Computer Music Conference (Banff Center, Sept. 4th).

    Fleabotics — Hypermedia improvisations for a group instrument: a peopled body and its collected brain, is a spontaneously generated narrative, articulates from the playground, elaborating the political metaphor inherent in the tradition of free improvisation. The instant cinema is shaped by all performers: contributing to the visual realm through MIDI controlled lighting, video mixing and switching, motorized character control and improvising on screen subtext. A feedback loop is effected by the images themselves playing music via the ‘Very Nervous System’.

    With the assistance of: The Canada Council-Media Arts, Canada Council-Touring Office, Banff Centre of the Arts, Midivox, Eastside Wondertree Independant Elementary School of Vancouver.


    The Canada Council-Media Arts, Canada Council-Touring Office, Banff Centre of the Arts, Midivox, Eastside Wondertree Independant Elementary School of Vancouver.


All Works by the Performer(s) in This Archive: