“Fly High: Time Flies” by Laurent Mignonneau, Christa Sommerer

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    Fly High: Time Flies

Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):


Artist Statement:

    Animation, 2015, 3’15”, ISEA2016 Hong Kong Open Sky Project

    A new work developed for the Human Vibrations festival and ISEA2016. Generated flies will crawl up the biggest media facade in the world and write different words.

    Our times are characterized by transience, impermanence and change. For the largest screen in the world, we propose a short sequence composed of a swarm of artificial flies. They slowly appear, propagate and gradually invade the whole ICC Tower, before flying away again. A short text “Fly High – Time Flies” reminds us of the beauty of the current moment.

