Geoffroy Drouin: Spontaneous / Carefully Thought out

  • ©, ,


    Spontaneous / Carefully Thought out

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Artist Statement

    Concert proposed by The ,CNSMDP, Conservatoire National Superieur De Musique Et De Danse De Paris, Composition And New Technologies Class.

    When applied to artistic creation—in particular musical creation—new technologies offer processes and operations that are becoming more and more sophisticated, as much for visual and sound flux, as for putting contents and meanings into analytical and speculative contact with one another. Can it not be said, then, that they are becoming more and more of an obstacle to a spontaneous and human form of creation, thus making the creator’s acquired technical nature dangerously obsolete? This event, the fruit of collaboration between musicians from the composition and new technologies and the generative improvisation classes of the CNSMDP and four students from the ENSBA (a national fine arts institute), offers a range of current creative situations from the most conventionally written in appearance—an electroacoustic work using recorded back-up—to the most unpredictable—an instrumental improvisation with live sound engineering.

    Created by Geoffroy Drouin for percussion and electroacoustic sound system (percussion: Laurent Freche).

    ‘Pictures’: film work exclusively by Bernat Vivancos.

    Group improvisation and sound transformation system (improvisation students and Yann Geslin).

    Idea for combined Music—Plastic arts effort: Julien Berthier, Alex Pou, Stephane Thidet and Virginie Yassef, in collaboration with Guillaume Cubero.

    “- So?
    – I climbed the stairs…
    – And?
    – I was hot.
    – Then what?
    – Everyone was watching me.”


All Works by the Performer(s) in This Archive: