Gregory Niel, Laetitia Delafontaine: RS-3 Reactive Space

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    RS-3 Reactive Space

Artist(s) and People Involved:


Artist Statement:

    Artists Laetitia Delafontaine and Gregory Niel create spaces where skin-like membrane interacts with the user. This membrane is connected and driven by software interface, and controls the geometrical definition of the space. Creating direct relationship and dialog with the visitor, the surface of the space is dynamic and it’s shape can be modified. It is a search of a space reactive to its environment, an interface sensitive to vibrations of sound frequencies.

    The reactive space project, RS-3, creates a space where a surface or membrane interacts with the user. This membrane is connected and driven by a software interface, and controls the geometrical definition of the space. To create a direct relationship and dialogue with the visitor, the surface is dynamic and can be morphed out of shape. The RS-3 installation is comprised of a floor/map which interacts with sound frequencies. The floor is formed of a flexible surface that moves in relation to sound frequencies. A camera films the distortion of the floor in real time, and a video projection of the camera input recreates the sensation of the space. The combination of the floor and the projection creates an immersive, reactive space. The reactive space is created with the collaboration of Studio Creatif of France Telecom R&D. The research into “reactive space” and habitat is sponsored by the research grant “PUCA” [Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture) of the ministry for equipment and urbanism [France) around the theme the future of habitat”.

    DN is Laetitia Delafontaine and Gregory Niel. They work with the relationships between architecture, art and new technology. While studying sensitive and reactive space, they have created, with the collaboration of France Telecom R&D, an installation which reacts to the presence of the body in its environment.
