JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Gustavo Rincon, Kon Hyong Kim, Andres Cabrera: ETHERIAL: Quantum Form from the Virtual to the Material


ETHERIAL: Quantum Form from the Virtual to the Material

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Exhibiting Artist(s):

JoAnn Kuchera-Morin -
  • AlloSphere Research Facility
Gustavo Rincon -
  • AlloSphere Research Facility
Kon Hyong Kim -
  • AlloSphere Research Facility
Andres Cabrera -
  • University of California at Santa Barbara




Virtual Reality, Computers, 3D glasses, HTC VIVE, stereo projectors, stereo speakers


dimensions variable

Artist Statement:

The nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic or subatomic level, quantum physics, lends to its ethereal nature, gossamer wings, those substances that are immutable however untouchable. To touch the untouchable, to understand and know what is real but cannot be seen and to experience it; to truly experience immateriality as substance, form, and shape that is dynamic, transformative and truly alive, constantly changing but continually unchanged, the vibration of waveforms intermingling as one form, one shape one spirit, into a myriad of forms.
Etherial will bring the quantum form into the material, through virtual reality, spatial augmented reality and material form. The work will consist of both virtual reality and spatial augmented, a completely immersive VR space that will allow viewers to interact with the virtual world of quantum mechanics in real time through a physically rendered sculpture that will be tracked with gestural sensors. Etherial can also be interactively viewed un-embodied through VR headsets. Two controllers into a completely immersive VR space that will allow performers to sculpt quantum mechanics in real time in total synchrony with one another and the virtual environment that they control.
In keeping with the theme of “LUX”, the quantum, revealed, the hydrogen- like atom combinations feature light-emitting wave function combinations that move toward the science of the phenomenon, while the quantum, suggests the ethereal nature of spirit in the form of light, ETHERIAL/IMMUTABLE – to touch the untouchable.

All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
