Johana Marcela Jimenez Orozco: Wake up! the fight does not only last one day
- Wake up! the fight does not only last one day
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
- ISEA2017: 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art
- More artworks from ISEA2017:
- Screening/’Media Art’ Piece
Artist Statement:
Since a couple of month the colombian state has taken a little more consciousness about the need to protect one of the most vital resources for every living creature: the water, the element that most value should have for the human being, which is only 0,4% (potable water) in the entire planet, which is, nowadays, a big part contains contamination traces, result of unconscious human actions; one of the protection measures that are being realized in Colombia I am interest in stick out one of them, located in Villamaría, in Gallinazo county, place where mining activities were intended and would directly affect the river and all the nearby water sources; these tasks were recently suspended for legal actions implemented by people of town. I want to highlight all this fights that have the objective to looking for the wellness of everybody and I want to make a call of attention with the proposal to continue supporting this goals that make this world a better one, we want to join more people to fight with us, and partner this world with the nature enjoying all that it does for us.