John Sherman: Work of John Sherman
- Work of John Sherman
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
I am very excited about using computers as a primary tool in my design and image-making. I have developed a unique approach with my work few other designers are able to do or emulate. My work is produced by PostScript programming, video capture, scanning and some interactive drawing software. I presently have a growing body of PostScript-produced images that demonstrate this. These finished images attain solutions by means of faster investigation, greater choice, and new creative possibilities. With them, I hope to create a new modern visual language that can only be achieved with the aid of a computer, but retain the magic about them that transcends their technical origins.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- John Sherman
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Work of John Sherman
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[ FISEA'93]