Kazuhiro Jo, Daisuke Ishida, Mizuki Noguchi, Ken Furudate: The Sine Wave Orchestra
- The Sine Wave Orchestra
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Kazuhiro Jo
- Kyushu University
- Daisuke Ishida
- Mizuki Noguchi
- Ken Furudate
Creation Year:
- 2006
- Participatory sound performance
Artist Statement:
Theme: Community Domain
The Sine Wave Orchestra is a participatory sound performance project in which each participant plays a sine wave. The public is invited to create a collective sound representation in the form of a sea of sine waves. In the performance, each participant can use any device that can produce a sine wave.
All Works by the Performer(s) in This Archive:
- Kazuhiro Jo
- More Art Events from Kazuhiro Jo in this archive:
The Sine Wave Orchestra
[ISEA2006]- Daisuke Ishida
- More Art Events from Daisuke Ishida in this archive:
The Sine Wave Orchestra
[ISEA2006]- Mizuki Noguchi
- More Art Events from Mizuki Noguchi in this archive:
The Sine Wave Orchestra
[ISEA2006]- Ken Furudate
- More Art Events from Ken Furudate in this archive:
The Sine Wave Orchestra