Lynn Hershman Leeson: A Room of One’s Own
- A Room of One’s Own
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Lynn Hershman Leeson
- University of California at Davis
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
In this work, the spectator can glance, through the eye of the movable periscope, at the objects of a woman’s room; they can interact with this woman, present to the screen: according to whichever object is looked at the bed, the clothes, she will undress or dress herself. The spectators however are only experiencing on illusion of control and of voyeurism: they will be frustrated. Breaking traditional narrative structures, the author manipulates electronic language in order to explore social archetypes. A presentation of the art gallery La Centrale as part of De la Lumiere an Exhibition organized in collaboration with Dare-dare, Daziboo and SKOL for the 1995 Mois de la Photo.
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Lynn Hershman Leeson
- More Art Events from Lynn Hershman Leeson in this archive:
A Room of One’s Own
[ ISEA95] -