Maria Paulina Gutierrez Arango, Julian Jaramillo Arango, Oscar Ceballos, Cristian Camilo Quintero Toro, Mario Humberto Valencia: LOOPHOLE
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Maria Paulina Gutierrez Arango
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
Julian Jaramillo Arango
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
Oscar Ceballos
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
Cristian Camilo Quintero Toro
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
Mario Humberto Valencia Garcia
- University of Caldas (Universidad de Caldas)
Artist Statement:
Loophole is a sound art installation that depicts the transitional period from conflict to peace, a temporary stage in the Colombian society reconciliation process. The piece proposes a journey by the Colombian Coffee Growing Area soundscape, through audio samples taken in pedagogical practices carried out in the project “Laboratorio Sonoro de Caldas”. The audio samples were taken in provinces and small towns of the Caldas Department: Chinchiná, Guayabal, Villa María, Supía, San Lorenzo and Arboleda, where violence imprints and collateral effects of the Colombian armed conflict still remain. In Loophole the listening space is endowed with a multichannel speaker system in order to project the sound recordings in a 3D diffusion mode. Therewith the visitor will be able to experience sounds coming from a 360° virtual space surrounding him. Besides the multichannel audio system, Loophole offers an optional Virtual Reality (VR) experience through three cardboard glasses that are located in the center of the installation space. Through the glasses the visitor can get into a virtual environment based on 360º photography of the Cultural Coffee landscape.