“Millenium Midnight” by Gwek Bure-Soh
- Millenium Midnight
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Exhibiting Artist(s):
Artist Statement:
In about five years, we will be greeting the new millennium. The first people to formally welcome the event will be those situated west of the international date line. will have to wait 24 hours. As the earth turns, each of us will clock midnight at different times depending on where we are located in the planisphere. I would like to stretch this precious instant into a midnight that repeats itself every hour for a duration of 24 hours. Using Internet as the medium of expression, I will create, through a community of international artists, an artwork representative of the “millennium” midnight. At (SEA 95, a prototype of this work will be presented, based on a community of approximately 30 participants worldwide (Paris, New York, Montreal, Banff, Santa Monica, …).
All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive:
- Gwek Bure-Soh
- More Art Events from Gwek Bure-Soh in this archive:
Millenium Midnight
[ ISEA95] -
Spatial Keyboard Opus 3