“Peekaboo” by Avital Meshi

  • ©, ,
  • "Peekaboo" an AI based video installation by Avital Meshi



Artist(s) and People Involved:

    Exhibiting Artist(s):



Artist Statement:

    In a video art installation, a family interacts with a generative AI model in a contemporary rendition of a game of peekaboo. The installation, spread across three screens, captures each family member as they alternately cover and uncover their faces with their hands. Upon each reveal, the generative AI alters their appearances, presenting an ever-changing visual narrative. This transformation in appearance not only destabilizes established notions of identity but also invites a reevaluation of the concepts of belonging, hierarchy, kinship, and stability. Furthermore, it challenges the conventional attributes of age, gender, and race that typically define the dynamics within a nuclear family. This project aims to spark a conversation on identity politics, encouraging viewers to explore our interconnectedness from a renewed perspective.


Additional Images:

  • 2024 Meshi: Peekaboo
  • 2024 Meshi: Peekaboo


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: