“Port with a Green Heart” by Mikhail Peppas, Sanabelle Ebrahim

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    Port with a Green Heart

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    Durban is the busiest port in Africa. Although the harbour is somewhat removed from the consciousness of the residents, it is well-positioned to become a driving force to propel Durban into a Smart City Eco-Port with linkages to the Esplanade that curve around the bay. The ‘Green Heart’ title can be anchored by constructing a giant green heart sculpture at the entrance to the harbour (North Pier) that links into the Esplanade. The sculpture will impact the sky-line and serve as a prominent symbol for Durban. Apps, QR codes and electronic signage featured in the KulturWalk and ‘Heart2Heart’ Route guide people into the harbour area. The theoretical framework builds on place-identity and place-making that foreground the branding of Durban as Green Heart City and include the residents in taking custody and care of the harbour. Renewable elements of the Green Heart include wave power technology and solar film energy. An accessible Durban Harbour will foster an invigorated identity for the Eco-Port and endear the public with a sense of place attachment. As Durban firms its position on tourist maps, people will identify Durban through branding created by the Green Heart and the spectacular harbour.

Additional Images:

  • 2018 Peppas Ebrahim Port with a Green Heart


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