“Redundant Assembly” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

  • ©, ,


    Redundant Assembly

Artist(s) and People Involved:



Artist Statement:

    May 27-July 23, Centre d’Art Cal Massó de Reus, Beep Collection: Origins. Public event.

    In “Redundant Assembly” an arrangement of several cameras composes a live-portrait of the visitor from six perspectives simultaneously, aligned using face detection. The resulting image is uncanny, detached from the laws of symmetry and the depth perception of binocular vision. If several visitors are standing in front of the work, a composite portrait of their different facial features develops in real time, creating a mongrel “selfie”.

    A version of the work for public space includes a time-component that allows the face blending to take place mixing present and the past. Face recognition is a technique often used by police, military, and corporate entities to search for and find suspicious or target people. Here the same technology is used to confuse portraits and emphasize the artificiality and arbitrariness of identification.
    [Source https://www.beepcollection.art/rafael-lozano-hemmer]

Additional Images:

  • ISEA2022: Lozano-Hemmer_Redundant Assembly
  • ISEA2022: Lozano-Hemmer_Redundant Assembly



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