“Runs” by Armin Bruderlin
- Runs
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):
Artist Statement:
Our piece is entitled “Runs”, and tells a short story about “people in locomotion”. Walking and running are such are such common activities; but where do we usually go to? This is about a very worth wile place to visit which rewards the visitor with great satisfaction. Besides the artistic value, please note its scientific component: the walking and running sequences were not key-framed or motion-captured, but generated by your interactive, real-time procedural locomotion system. The data were then imported into Softimage which we used for all the modeling, facial animation, fine-tuning and rendering. This way, it was very easy, for instance, to produce several figures all running at the same beat to match to sound of the foot steps.