Shosei Oishi, Masayuki Akamatsu, Kazuki Saita, Katsuhiko Harada: The Breadboard Band Comes Alive
- The Breadboard Band Comes Alive
Artist(s) and People Involved:
- Shosei Oishi
- Masayuki Akamatsu
- International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences
- Kazuki Saita
- Katsuhiko Harada
Artist Statement:
Theme: Transvergence
The Breadboard Band performs using breadboards, or circuit boards, made of freely constructed electronic circuits to play music. Based on improvisational interplay, elements such as beats, riffs noises, scratches, and videos blend together into one production.
All Works by the Performer(s) in This Archive:
- Shosei Oishi
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The Breadboard Band Comes Alive
[ISEA2006]- Masayuki Akamatsu
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The Breadboard Band Comes Alive
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[ISEA2004]- Kazuki Saita
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The Breadboard Band Comes Alive
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[ISEA2010]- Katsuhiko Harada
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The Breadboard Band Comes Alive