Srdjan Hofman: Specimens
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Artist Statement:
“I have never ‘spontaneously’ rummaged through my musical memory and reproduced, ‘by ear’, what amounts to a pastiche of works I have heard, imagining all the time that I was writing something new”. “I have never applied, as taken for granted, any of the existing ‘modern’, individual, or even more widely accepted composing techniques…” “A composition is the product of exploration; it is not the exploration itself.”“The meaning of the familiar is not always a familiar meaning…”
“I believe that the elements of what has already been discovered in art can be formulated a new and integrated, in a different way, into a new work.”
“The discovery of new ways of shaping, of establishing one’s own ‘rules’ of composition, has become (…), in our century, a part of the individual creative act.”