“Supercollider: Infection, and Guns” by Marc Swadel, Paul Regan Swadel


Supercollider: Infection, and Guns

Artist(s) and People Involved:

Filmmaker, Video Artist, or Animator(s):


Artist Statement:

Animation shorts ‘Supercollider: Guns’​ and ‘Infection’​. Format – digital with 35mm output.

‘Supercollider:Infection’, is one of three 35mm animation shorts that make up the Supercollider cycle – the others being ‘Guns’ and ‘Boundaries of Mankind’.
Marc Swadel – Director/Sound
Paul Swadel – Director/Editing
A ‘Swad Bros’ Production.


All Works by the Filmmaker(s) in This Archive:

More Art Events from Marc Swadel in this archive:

More Art Events from Paul Regan Swadel in this archive: