“The Human Theremin Project” by Finley Wegener
Artist(s) and People Involved:
Artist Statement:
What if musical and audiovisual artworks were phenomena that we could experience tangibly with our bodies? What if our presence within the artwork could be the source from which the media grew? This work, ‘The Human Theremin Project’, has been created in response to questions like these by audiovisual artist Fin Wegener and contemporary choreographer Soleil Harvey. Unfolding from experiments with movement controlled music systems, the interactive performance work uses motion tracking and machine learning to generate artistic potentialities that are unlocked and activated through the human body. Performing movement,Harvey executes composed and improvised choreography that manipulates parameters within Wegener’s modular synthesiser to reveal ambient atmospheres and experimental soundscapes. Meanwhile, Wegener simultaneously directs the music throughout long-form structure and mixes body visualisation projections that suggest new movements to Harvey. Bound together through cross-medium interpretations of sound, dance and visual art, the two performers explore artistic terrain that reveals itself in response to movement, ultimately creating a captivating transperceptual spectacle that highlights the endless possibilities sprouting between digital and physical worlds.