William Wilson, Pamela Brown, Joy Farley, Dylan McLaughlin, Jamie Smith: eyeDazzler 1

  • ©, ,


    eyeDazzler 1

Artist(s) and People Involved:




    76,050 4mm glass beads, gel-spun polyethylene superline

Artist Statement:

    The eyeDazzler project combines traditional Navajo weaving and design with QR codes that lead viewers to the project’s website. It is a transcustomary collaborative expression, which brings together innovation, traditional Diné design, 76,050 4mm glass beads, over 1,000 hours of artistic labor, and a portal to another dimension.

Additional Images:

  • 2012 Wilson Brown Farley McLaughlin Smith eyeDazzler 1
  • Photo by Nettrice Gaskins magazine.art21.org


All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: