Future of ISEA

ISEA Symposium: Learning from the Past; Looking at the Future

Round table discussion: Monday 13 June 4:30-6:00 CCCB Main Theater

Join the Roundtable Discussion Remotely (click here)

The ISEA International Advisory Committee welcomes you to attend an open discussion at ISEA2022 to reflect on ISEA’s past and help define its future.

The ISEA symposium has been held in 19 countries around the world since 1988. A lot has changed in that time and we now find ourselves in an environment where dissemination of information and community engagement has changed radically. The structure of the ISEA organisation has also changed in the past 34 years and is continuing to change. The voice of the larger ISEA community is incredibly important in helping the organisation pave a dynamic and effective path forward. We would appreciate your input.

There are four options for providing feedback:
1. Attend the Round Table discussion 13 June at 4:30 at ISEA2022
2. Fill out the survey: https://isea-archives.siggraph.org/survey/
3. Join remotely (click the link above)
4. Submit suggestions to the designated dropbox at ISEA2022

What changes or improvements would you like ISEA to make in the future?

Thank you for your comments and suggestions,
The ISEA International Advisory Committee (IIAC)