Aisel Wicab
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Aisel Wicab, Alumnos47 Head of educational research, Mexico City (Ciudad de México, 1985) is a media artist that experiments with illustration, video and DIY machines to create light art, live performances and installations. Co-founded the expanded cinema group Colectivo Luz y Fuerza in 2012 and was part of the international live cinema collective Trinchera Ensamble from 2005 to 2011. Currently heads the area of educational research at Alumnos47 Foundation (non-profit organization that promotes knowledge processes using contemporary art) and she is involved in numerous projects that combine artistic experimentation with disruptive education and radical pedagogies. She has exhibited her work in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Austria, France, Spain and Slovakia, at institutions such as the National Center of Arts, Cineteca Nacional, The Mexico City Museum, The Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico and Argentina, The Agora Quebec in Montreal, The Cinéma La Cleff in Paris, The Sammlung Essl and the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna. She has been granted by the Multimedia Center (CENART-INBA) in 2012, the BBVA-Bancomer Foundation in 2009, and PAPIIT-UNAM program from 2007 to 2009.
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Title: Domains, Publics and Access: WikiSprint for a Media Archaeology of the Present Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):