Aleks Krotoski

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Aleks Kro­to­ski is an aca­d­e­mic and jour­nal­ist who writes about and stud­ies tech­nol­ogy and in­ter­ac­tiv­ity. Her PhD the­sis in So­cial Psy­chol­ogy (Uni­ver­sity of Sur­rey, 2009) ex­am­ined how in­for­ma­tion spreads around the so­cial net­works of the World Wide Web. She is a Re­search As­so­ci­ate at the Ox­ford In­ter­net In­sti­tute and the Re­searcher-in-Res­i­dence for the British Li­brary’s Grow­ing Knowl­edge ex­hi­bi­tion. She com­pleted the 4-part, prime time BBC 2 se­ries Vir­tual Rev­o­lu­tion in early 2010, about the so­cial his­tory of the World Wide Web. She blogged for the pro­ject out­lin­ing her man­i­festos about the so­cial, po­lit­i­cal, eco­nomic and psy­cho­log­i­cal im­pact of the 20 years of the Web. Aleks writes for The Guardian and Ob­server news­pa­pers, and hosts Tech Weekly, their tech­nol­ogy pod­cast. Her writ­ing also ap­pears in Na­ture, BBC Tech­nol­ogy, New States­man, MIT Tech­nol­ogy Re­view and The Tele­graph. Fi­nally, she’s the New Media Sec­tor Cham­pion for UKTI, the gov­ern­ment de­part­ment that pro­motes British busi­nesses around the world.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: